April 12, 2013

The "Feeling"

Have you ever had that feeling, that maybe, just maybe you were destined for something big?  Now, I don't believe in fate or destiny or karma or anything like that, that's not what I am saying.  I do believe that God has a plan for all of us, and it is up to us whether we choose to follow His plan or go our own way (and before moving forward, I want to make sure this is His plan, and not just mine).  But, every time I think about this idea that my mom has for me and ella.jane, I sorta get that feeling, almost like a slight glimpse, a giddy feeling in my stomach, that this thing could just be huge.  But I am afraid to step out and see just what might happen....I have a long list of things I need to accomplish before I can step in that direction, well more like the things on my list are the stepping stones to get me there.  They are all things that can fairly easily be accomplished, but for some reason I just haven't started the process of crossing them off. 

 I don't know if it's because I am unsure if this is the path God has for me, or if I am so sure that it is, but am terrified of stepping into territory that is so unfamiliar to me.  Does that make any sense??  And again the doubt plagues me, and the discouraging questions speak all too loudly in my mind, what if this is an epic fail???  I don't know anything about running a business or even creating a logo, I don't have an attorney or have the knowledge to create a patent on my own, I mean, just reading small business books from the library leaves me overwhelmed! But, I know that I am loving what I am doing in making hair accessories, and so I will push forward!

After talking to a friend the other day and my mom today, I have decided to set some goals for myself, things that will keep me moving forward, and help me not to focus on the "what ifs".  I have quit a few goals in mind already, listed in order from small to HUGE, maybe someday I will share them with y'all!  For now I will share one from the middle of my list, because it gives me GREAT motivation, I want to "fully fund a vacation from my earnings, to Disney World", of course! ;)  Any time that I start feeling discouraged, doubtful, or just plain unmotivated, this,

will kick my booty into gear!!  Somehow, some way, I alone will pay for an amazing vaca with my family, and hopefully accomplish all of the rest of my goals, no matter how out of reach they may seem at the moment!

Have you ever had that feeling that you could do something big for yourself or your family?


  1. Yes!!! You KNOW I love that goal!!! And...you're handwriting is pretty fabulous too!!!

    "If you can dream it- you can do it!" ~Walt Disney

    1. Well thanks friend!! Talking to you the other night inspired me to set some goals. I was telling my momma about it today and she said that's a great idea! :)
